Some key points about NORM


Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) is found in the environment and consists of radioactive elements of natural origin, whose concentrations can be increased by human activities. In order to ensure the safety of the operations with this material, it is highly recommended to be aware of the established guidelines.

Industrial processes like mining, coal, oil and gas production can release NORM, as well as others like geothermal energy generation or industrial mineral extraction.

It can exist in both solid, liquid, or gas forms, but their concentrations defer depending on the type of industrial activity.

Because of that, some guidelines are established to help manage NORM in these industries, ensuring the safety of the operations. Some of which are securing the site and using a PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Also, for certain jobs it is recommended that the selected demolition contractor has experience dealing with NORM, with the aim of reducing costs. Don’t miss the chance to read EDI Special Publication 2024, where you will find more information available about this topic.
