POPs and asbestos, protagonists of the EDI Forum 2023


  • On October 4th, 2023, the European Decontamination Institute celebrated its EDI Forum 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.
  • During the event, two round tables took place, discussing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and asbestos.

Brussels, October 5th, 2023. – The beginning of October brought with itself an incredibly special occasion: the EDI Forum 2023.

This highly specialized event centered around the decontamination of hazardous substances, has reunited the professionals of the industry in the emblematic SQUARE Convention Center, Brussels, on October 4th.

In order to provide our guests with a more interactive encounter, the EDI Forum 2023 was conducted in the form of two round tables.

After brief introductions, we began with our first topic: Persistent Organic Pollutants, POPs. Ms Polina Maslova, from CURIUM, acted as a moderator. We also counted on speakers from different European Organization and countries, such as Mr Enrique García, from the European Commission; Ms Marianne Hedberg (MARIANNE HEDBERG MILJÖBYGGE), and Mr Johan D’Hooghe (RECYCLING ASSISTANCE & Coordinator of the EDI Working Group on Hazardous Substances). As POPs manifest their contaminating nature with time, we are still discovering new substances, and it is important to keep cataloguing and updating the legislation pertinent to them.

Once the coffee break was over, we delved straight into our next question: Asbestos. Moderated by Mr Ad Schaap, VERAS, it discussed the current regulations and the ways of moving forward. Mr Kai Salmi (Finnish Decontamination Association, SAP), Mr Patrick Frye (CARDEM), Mr Maarten VanBuel (Belgian Asbestos Removal Companies Association), and Mr Wesley Princen (AANNEMINGSBEDRIJF PRINCEN) participated as speakers.

Overall, the Forum concluded with the knowledge that there are still many substances to discover. Decisions made half a decade ago are only starting to have repercussions now. Therefore, we need to study it carefully to ensure a safe, hazardous-free, future.

Both round tables were intercut with moments of networking. During those, the industry professionals had the opportunity to connect with each other. The guests have reported positively upon the event, as it allowed them to be up to date with the latest industry developments and form closer relationships with the sector’s professionals.
