Decontamination of hazardous substances is already available



  • This featured publication provides specialised material on several hazardous substances, together with some case studies, EDI initiatives, projects, and other technical articles.

EDI Special Publication 2022 – Decontamination of hazardous substances is now ready. This featured publication provides specialised material on several hazardous substances, together with some case studies, EDI initiatives, projects, and other technical articles. More specifically, this publication is part of a collection devoted to the decontamination of hazardous substances.

Besides, EDI incorporates a relevant dialogue about a challenge for the demolition sector and a section about the upcoming European asbestos directive.

In addition, its pages contain a number of special articles on other topics of interest related to decontamination.

The EDI Special Publication 2022 – Decontamination of hazardous substances, which is intended for the general public, not just for specialists, is already available for online consultation (for free) and request of hard copies.
