EDI participates in the Guide about Roles and Career Development in Demolition


EDA’s new Guide about Roles and Career Development in Demolition, which complements the EDI Guide about Roles and Career Development in Decontamination, is finally out and openly available for consultation. The document, made by the collaboration of the two associations, aims to serve as a basis for developing training courses for the various roles involved in demolition activities.

The released document outlines their potential career paths, job descriptions, and the educational and training requirements necessary to carry out these tasks safely and efficiently. In addition, the guide is designed to serve as a foundation for developing training programs in regions and countries where the subject has not yet been fully developed. Moreover, it is intended to assist demolition and decontamination companies and organizations offering training courses within the sector by providing a comprehensive framework for professional development in the field.

Guide about Roles and Career Development in Demolition was made by sharing knowledge in the EDA Working Group on Education. Read more about EDA Working Groups and consult the Guide about Roles and Career Development in Demolition.
