In compliance with the Spanish regulations, we inform the owner of this website is for all intents and purposes:
EDI: European Decontamination Institute
To use some of the services or products offered on this website, users must fill out forms, providing personal data. The owner of this site informs that those data will be included in a database for the own purposes of the entity.
The user of this site authorizes the owner of the website to the automatic processing of sent data and of the professional database that is being produced.
The user has always the right of information, access, rectification, opposition and cancellation by the provisions set by the mentioned Organic Law. Any execution of these rights can be done in writing, by addressing to the owner’s contact details.
The entity undertakes not to assign, sell or share personal data for the benefit of third parties, outside of this site.
This website may contain links to other websites, but we cannot guarantee the security of the information that the user provides to those sites. The entity is not responsible for the content of any external site, nor the commercial operations the user makes in them. By making use of our services, the user consents to receive periodic communications by e-mail.
The relationships established between the entity and the user shall be governed by the provisions of current regulations regarding the applicable law and the competent jurisdiction.
The owner reserves the right to make changes to the content established in this privacy policy.
The owner declares that he has adopted all the necessary measures, within his possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the functioning of this website and to avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to the users.
However, in cases where legislation foresees the possibility of both parties submitting to a Court, the entity and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.
If you would like more information about our privacy policy and our cookie policy, please follow the links below: